Camping in paradise – fra samme regissør / produsenter som den Oscar-nominerte Nattrikken.

Et kjærestepar på tur må ufrivillig tilbringe natten i en natursutcamping. Fortellingen har fokus på intimitetsangst og seksualiserte fobier. Historien avslører ikke bare hovedpersonen (Rasmus) med innlevelse og varmt engasjement, men sikkert også en del fordommer som bor i oss alle. Slik skaper fortellingen en stor grad av identifikasjon med publikum og er en slags kommentar til vår tids seksualisering av kropp og nakenhet.

Filmen høster bred anerkjennelsenes og mange priser på festivaler verden rundt.


Congratulations to the Camping in Paradise team for winning Best Short Comedy at this year’s Breckfilmfest!


Camping is playing on the Big Island of Hawaii next month, Oct. 29 – 31. Check it out



Rhode Island International Film Festival – Aug. 6 – 11 in Providence, R.I., USA
Los Angeles Comedy Festival – Sept. 11 – 15 in California, USA
Saugatuck Film Fest – Sept. 14 in Michigan
Mystic Film Festival – Sept. 19 – 22 in Connecticut, USA
Port Townsend Film Festival – Sept. 19 – 22 in Washington, USA
Breckenridge Film Festival – Sept. 19 – 22 in Colorado, USA
Burbank International Film Festival – Sept. 25 – 29 in California, USA



Tacoma Film Festival – Oct. 10 – 13 in Washington, USA
San Diego International Film Festival – Oct. 16 – 20 in California, USA
Santa Fe International Film Festival – Oct. 16 – 20 in New Mexico, USA
Nordic Film Festival – Oct. 17 – 20 in New York City, NY, USA
Newport Beach Film Festival – Oct. 17 – 24 in California, USA
Byron Bay International Film Festival – Oct. 18 – 27 in NSW, Australia
San Jose International Short Film Festival – Oct. 24 – 27 in California, USA
Free Spirit Film Festival – Oct. 29 – 31 in Hawaii, USA
Evolution Mallorca Film Festival – Oct. 30 – Nov. 5 in Palma, Spain
Coronado Island Film Festival – Nov. 6 – 10 in San Diego, CA, USA
East Lansing Film Festival – Nov. 7 – 14 in Michigan, USA
Norwich Film Festival – Nov. 11 – 24in England, UK
Bahamas International Film Festival – Nov 13 – 17 in Nassau, Bahamas
Vox Popular Media Arts Festival – Nov. 14 – 16 in Ontario, Canada


“Camping in Paradise” synopsis: A philosopher and his girlfriend involuntarily spends a night at a nudist campsite, which is farbeyond their comfort zone. At the campsite they meet a friendly couple, and this revealsunderlying conflicts and creates tension in their relationship.

About the director, Erik Tveiten:

Eirik worked as an actor before he made the debut as a stage writer with «The cactus» in 1997. In2010 he wrote and directed the acclaimed short film «Friendly people». Since then, he has writtenand directed 14 short films. His work includes different genres and stretches from high realism tostylized comedy. His latest film, «Night ride» won best Short Film at the Tribeca Film Festival 2022and has been well received at festivals worldwide. “Night Ride” has a total of 11 wins thus farincluding an Oscar nomination. Eirik is currently in development with a feature film project. «Camping in paradise» explores a sincere theme concerning the dynamicsof shame and fear in intimate relationships. I adore stories that combine humor with seriouspsychological and philosophical questions. Nudity appears as a meaningful metaphor for how -and in what ways – we express ourselves, communicate, and wish to be seen and treated in arelationship. This film does not shy away from showing nudity, as I am concerned that the nakedbody is increasingly becoming taboo – or an object of sexualization in media and society.Hopefully this is a story that will stir up some controversy and be meaningful as well as enjoyedand interpreted in various ways.About

Cylinder Productions AS

Cylinder Production AS is a film production company established in year 2000. Based in Oslo,Norway, Cylinder has produced commercials for Norwegian and international markets, severaldocumentaries for TV and co-produced an international feature film with support from NorwegianFilm Fund and Eurimage. In addition to producing our own films, Cylinder offers a completepackage of professional services to international companies choosing to shoot in Norway. Wehave access to the most professional crew, talent and equipment rental houses, at verycompetitive rates. Cylinder was Oscar nominated for their short film production «Night Ride»which won best short film at Tribeca in 2022.

Producer Gaute Lid Larssen.

Gaute Lid Larssen is the producer of Camping in paradise. Founder and managing director of the Oscar nominated film production company Cylinder Production AS, established in year 2000. Directed and produced commercials, TV-documentaries, infomercials, short films and TV-drama. Background from NRK (Norwegian broadcasting corporation) as a radio presenter and secondunit director in some of the largest TV-drama productions in Norway. Oscar nominated in 2023 for the live action short film “Night Ride”. Directed 240 episodes of “Hotel Cæsar“, the longestrunning drama series in Scandinavia. Winner in category “best tv-drama“ at Gullruten (NorwegianEmmy Award). Directed the documentary film “Ability of affection“ for TV2, produced “Gynt of ourstreet“ in collaboration with NRK, a docu-drama where drug addicted people are doing HenrikIbsen’s playwright “Peer Gynt“. Senior production executive for “Essential killing”, internationalfeature, starring Vincent Gallo. Winner of “Special Jury Prize at the 67th Venice International FilmFestival“. Executive producer/facilitator for Cylinder’s service productions, producing for BBC,CBS, Al Jazeera, among others.

Producer Heidi Arnesen

Heidi Arnesen graduated with a bachelor in fine arts from CCA in California. From there she madea feature film (Some Prefer Cake), 8 short films, 150 episodes of the Norwegian night time drama“Hotel Cæsar” and several TV documentary series for Norwegian networks, one of which sold toDr. Phil in the US. This is one of two Norwegian formats to be sold to the US. She lived in SanFrancisco, CA for 9 years before relocating to her hometown of Oslo in 1998. She has been apartner in Cylinder Production AS for 10 years and produced the Oscar nominated short «NightRide» together with